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Why Choose Us?

We believe our program is the perfect blend of structure and exploration. We maintain a student/teacher ratio of 6:1. This supports our philosophy and allows us the opportunity to support individual growth or provide challenges as needed. We immerse children into experiences to introduce new learning topics amidst history and natural environment, which makes Little Red an inspiring place for students to learn. 

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Our students are immersed into the Core Knowledge Preschool Sequence and long term themes such as, Ocean, Space, Fall, Farm, Spring, Kindness & Emotions, Arctic, Weather, Children's Authors, ect. 

Each day, each student is greeted personally with love as we gather together in our Circle time area. In this time we enjoy music, sign language, The Pledge of Allegiance, VIP, Bible Verse, and morning prayer before moving to their individual classes. 

Each Class rotates through Art, Discovery, Recess, Snack and Classroom Time

Our Objectives 



To Provide: 

A Loving Learning Environment

A stimulating environment to explore art and music

A readiness for the next level of learning 


In addition we offer opportunities for students to develop

-Fine and Gross Motor Skills

-Imagination and Participation

-A positive attitude towards those around them

-Appropriate means of expressing emotions

-Increased choices in problem solving 

-Cooperative play and work methods

-Increased self confidence and emerging independent skills



We also encourage the exploration of:

  • Science, language, literature and math

  • Our history and culture

  • The new world around them


The word “discipline” comes from the word “disciple,” which means “one who is taught.” Teaching children behaviors 

that promote their well-being and a caring attitude towards others is a valued component of our program. We believe children learn best when they feel safe and are receptive to information.


The techniques we use are those that encourage children to develop inner control over their behavior and increase their number of positive choices. To help our students become self-directed and exhibit self-control, our staff use the following strategies:

  • Structuring all classroom activities and arranging physical space to promote positive social interactions during group activities

  • Maintaining realistic expectations of children

  • Setting consistent and clear limits

  • Redirecting inappropriate behaviors toward desired outcomes

  • Noticing positive behavior and ignoring misbehavior when appropriate 

  • Providing logical and natural consequences for children's actions

  • Encouraging children to use their words to solve problems and elicit peer cooperation

  • Giving children choices between two appropriate alternatives

  • Occasional in-sight separation from group when harm to self or others is imminent 

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