Our Policies and Procedures
Our goal is a safe and nurturing learning environment where children are given opportunities
for personal development and academic achievement. If you are interested in enrolling your child,
kindly read our policies and procedures.
Space priority will be given to currently enrolled students through a pre-registration process each winter. Open registration will occur one month after current families have had the option to re-enroll each year.
Tuition may be paid over a 12-month cycle starting in July of each year due through June or monthly starting in September through May. Tuition is to be paid in full for the entire year regardless of student absence from school due to vacation, illness, or other similar reasons with the exception of early withdrawal.
Tuition is due on the first school day of each month. A $25 late fee will be assessed for payments not received by the 10th of any given month.
2023-2024 Tuition
3's $225/month
4's $295/month
5's $520/month
Please make every effort to have your child arrive to class on time. Doors open 10 minutes before class starts. Be sure to be on time for pick up to avoid any “left behind” feelings.
Your cooperation in keeping sick children home is appreciated. Please check your child prior to class for the following signs of illness:
- Rash or spots on body
- New nasal discharge
- Discharge from or matted eyes
- Fever within last 24 hours
- Vomiting or diarrhea within last 24 hours
Please call to report any contagious disease your child may have exposed his/her class to at PLC.

Toilet Training
Every student is expected to be toilet-trained upon entry to preschool. While we are empathetic to three-year-olds not having complete control; if more than a “pull-up” can accommodate during class time occurs, parents will be called to either change their child’s diaper or take them home for the remainder of the class.
We do not have the facility or staff to provide diaper changing services. Rest assured your child will have full access to bathroom breaks and be asked often if they are needed while mastering this skill away from home.
Inclement Weather
We follow the Stanwood Camano School District for school closures. If they are running 2 hours late, our morning classes will be canceled while afternoon classes will run on regular schedule.
School Attire
We encourage children to “dress for mess.” Comfortable, washable clothes allow children to thoroughly explore and experience all our program has to offer. Extra clothes, while not necessary, are always a good precaution.
Our goal is to play outdoors as often as possible; please send your child to school with a sweater or coat as weather dictates (don’t forget to write their name on the inside).
Safety in Play
Rules we teach and enforce to keep school fun:
- Running is fun-outside; otherwise walk at school.
- Always ask for help if you need it.
- Always ask a teacher before leaving play area or class, even to take a bathroom break.
- Be respectful of others’ feelings and belongings.
- If someone is talking, it is your turn to listen.